Titus Adrian Beu

Professor Emeritus
University Babeş-Bolyai
Faculty of Physics
Department of Biomolecular Physics
1, M. Kogălniceanu Street, Cluj-Napoca
Romania, 400084
Mobile: +40-752-441608
Email: titus.beu@ubbcluj.ro
Web: http://phys.ubbcluj.ro/~titus.beu/

Curriculum material for my Quantum Mechanics, Numerical Programming, and Molecular Dynamics lectures is included in the Teaching section.

Information on the current research topics in my group and recent publications are presented in the Research section.

Please check out my book on Numerical Programming at CRC Press / Taylor & Francis Group , or click on the cover to access the associated software repository.

My new portal MDsquad aims to make Molecular Dynamics accessible for teaching and research.

Premiul Nobel pentru fizica 2022