Prof.univ.dr. Grigore Damian

Babeş-Bolyai University
Faculty of Physics
Biomedical Physics Department


- the effect of pharmaceutical stress testing (sterilization, oxidation and photolysis) on the drug substance and foods (free radicals formation, identification and determination of their structure).

- the conformational changes of secondary structure of proteins in different biochemical conditions and lyophilizations.

- utilization of spin labels and spin trap in the study of biological procesess

- detection and characterization of free radicals in biological and biomedical systems

Free Radicals Research Center (FRRC)

- Interdisciplinary theoretical and experimental studies of free radicals in bio-material physics, bio-pharmaceutical compounds, in the physics and chemistry of the environment, catalytically reactions, polymerization reactions, human, animal and vegetal physiopathology and other systems which involves the presence of free radicals

Main equipments

-Electron Paramagnetic Resonance spectrometer Bruker EMXmicro, X band, variable temperature unit (ER4141VT)

-UV-vis spectrophotometer

-Lofilizator LABCONCO

- UV lampe Vilber Lourmat, 254 nm

- Desktop Toshiba, computer HDD 2x250 GB Western Digital KS Western Digital Extern, specialized software Origin7.5, Grams/AI, Winsim, Powfit, EPRSIM, Bruker Simfonia

